Friday, July 25, 2014

New Pi on the Block

Latest Raspberry Pi model B+
Just imagine I got my Raspberry Pi model B about a year ago and recently they just launched a new B+ version. My model B board is yet on my to do project list and tirelessly making effort to master Linux on the RPi board. Following this I will have to put more effort to find a project using the RPi. Working on a project helps me to accelerate learning. The good news is the price of the new B+ version is same with B. Element14 is selling at around RM120 which is at a reasonable price.

Sticking to the same BCM2835 processor, the B+ has more GPIOs compare to the model B with additional 14 pins (yeah! more hardware). However the Beaglebone black board still top in the list for number of GPIOs. The model B+ has top up to 4 USB ports which I think is a super cool upgrade. I found out that 2 ports is never enough and you will need a USB hub to work with more peripherals. The normal size SD card is replaced with microSD card in model B+. I'm neither too keen nor excited with this change. So, what am I going to do with my existing SD card? You're safe if you are using the microSD card adapter now.

So, there are few other improvements such as lower power consumption, lower noise supply which improve audio quality and better physical board arrangement gives a good favor in this new model. Eventually, I can't wait to get this board on my working table soon. 

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